Development coaching for leaders and managers

Leaders and senior managers face multiple demands in an ever increasingly uncertain and volatile work environment.  Driving success in a dynamic increasingly digital environment demands leaders who are are comfortable with uncertainty, able to evaluate multiple perspectives with the ability to adapt swiftly and decisively. Rapidly engaging, inspiring and enrolling all key stakeholders. Every time. 

Understanding their core drivers and common de-railers enables leaders to challenge their assumptions, deconstruct unhelpful habits and rapidly develop their capabilities. 


Performance management

Constantly delivering high levels of performance, in a dynamic environment, requires continuous development across the Five Core Agilities; 

Change Agility - our capacity to adapt to change

Learning Agility - our capacity to learn rapidly and fearlessly

Thinking and Deciding Agility - our capacity to hold multiple, opposing perspectives and to make decisions swiftly and decisively

Emotional Agility - our capacity to understand and regulate our emotional responses as well as understanding those of our team

Relational Agility - our capacity to build and maintian high quality relationships with all key stakeholders 

Stress & resilience 

Being connected 24 hours a day 7 days a week with an increasing work load can make us feel that we never actually have time to switch off. Yet to manage our stress levels is to effectively manage our energy levels. It's key that we balance our focussed efforts to achieve our goals, with effective strategies that allow us to recharge our batteries. Not only is this essential to maintain our well-being and to avoid burnout, but it is vital to ensure high performance, increased innovation and creativity.

Change and uncertainty

Enabling people to thrive in change is a skill. A people skill. For some change is an opportunity to grow and develop, for others it can appear to be a significant threat,  to be avoided at all cost. Yet to effectively adapt to change is a core skill in the modern work place.  Developing a change ready mindset and equipping yourself with the skills to deliver exceptional performance even in the most chaotic of environments are the foundations for ongoing growth and develpment.